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Heart Members: Share your holistic business at our Taco Eclipse of the Heart event


Updated: Feb 20, 2024

There will be a total eclipse on Monday, April 8, and The Heart of Centerville Washington Twp. will be blending this historical event with our member education meeting by presenting the Taco Eclipse of the Heart holistic and wellness event from 3 to 7 pm at St. Leonard Station House, 8200 Provincial Way, Centerville.  If you are a Heart member, and your business offers wellness & healing, energy work, bodywork, and/or holistic care, we are inviting you to be a vendor at our event.

Members will watch the Total Solar Eclipse at 3:08 pm and then head inside The Station House for networking and education on holistic health. Part of our Total Eclipse of the Heart event is an opportunity for member vendors to set up and discuss the products and services related to mind, body, and healing.  Only 20 booths are available.  HOCWT Board will decide on vendor selection. You must be a current member to participate-- those who are not members but complete the application will automatically be disqualified. To become a member, join here.


Those interested in apply to be a vendor can do so here. If the link is no longer working, that is because applications have closed and the HOCWT Board is already in the vendor selection process. Only members can be a vendor at this event.


Taco Eclipse of the Heart is a ticketed event for members only, and will include exclusive access to our vendor expo, food, and eclipse viewing party. THIS EVENT IS FOR MEMBERS ONLY. Any non-members who purchase tickets will be invoiced for an annual membership. Purchase event tickets here.

More info will be shared as the event draws closer. Vendors will be notified by the March member meeting on Monday, March 11, of their acceptance to the event.



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