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HOCWT Board Candidates - 2024

Desired Position:
Director of Marketing
Jessica Olson

Jessica Olson

JJ's Boutique and the Greater Dayton RTA

Length of Membership:

3 years

I have been handling the marketing of The Heart officially since 2023, including promoting events and finding in-kind advertising opportunities. I have a marketing and communications degree and background, and complete marketing and advertising for my daily job as well as two other area non-profit organizations.

I have attended all Heart of Centerville events since the 2022 Uptown Holiday Walk
In addition, I am a volunteer for the marketing committee for Americana Festival
I am also the volunteer marketing director for Miami Valley Police Wives
I complete volunteer work with the House of Bread through my position at Greater Dayton RTA

Desired Position:
Director of Membership
Cheryl Probst

Cheryl Probst

The Jeff Probst Group

Length of Membership:

2 years

I believe I would be a great fit as the Membership Director for the Heart because I am actively involved with many local businesses already through my current board position with the Heart and through my role as the co-owner/Director of Relationship Development for the Jeff Probst Group. This role would allow me to further combine my goals with the Heart and my own business and would be a win/win for all. I am already out and about meeting new community members and business owners all the time, introducing them to what the Heart has to offer, and why they should be a part of it. I believe strongly that local businesses are the backbone of our economy and that we need to support them in whatever ways we can. I feel that I am friendly and inclusive and would do a great job helping new members get connected and feel welcome. I also would like to further advance our opportunities and offerings for service based businesses within the Heart.

I have been a part of the HOC for the past 2 years and have been actively involved since I joined, attending and volunteering at almost all of the event. I was voted onto the board as the Director of Volunteers within 6 months of getting involved and have loved getting to know and work with many local businesses/Heart members. I believe strongly in the Hearts motto to shop, eat, drink, invest, and support local.
I am also on the executive board for Hannah's Treasure Chest, a local non-profit that support under-privileged children and families in our community. My team and I have also been repeat volunteers and supporters of other non-profits such as: Habitat for Humanity, BOGG Ministries, Shoes for the Shoeless and Clothes that Work.

Desired Position:
Director of Safety & Logistics
Jason Olson

Jason Olson

JJ's Boutique

Length of Membership:

3 years

I am a police officer for the city of Dayton and part of a countywide crowd control team for planning, logistics, and securing large events. I am the main point of contact for the Dayton Air Show with security and planning for the city of Dayton's participation. I handle logistics for my business and the markets we attend.

I have volunteered at nearly every event for the Heart of Centerville since 2021. I have done the layout and security assessment and worked with the city, Centerville Police, and St. Leonard for the Heart since 2022. I also have my family assist.

Desired Position:
Vice President
Brandon Barrett

Brandon Barrett

By the Blade Salon

Length of Membership:

6 years

I have worked as the secretary for 5 years. I am present at nearly every event. I work hard to ensure the success and growth of this amazing organization.

- HOCWT Secretary (Current)
Centerville Noon Optimist Club Director

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